From the latest SAP software we’ll show ‘that the calculated carbon dioxide (CO2) emission rate from the dwelling with its proposed extension is no greater than for the dwelling plus a notional extension’ (built to the standards set out in Part L1b)

Need a personalized solution for your extension ?

Fully Qualified and accredited ABBE On Construction Energy Assessor. Personal and reliable service to achieve quick results.

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From the latest SAP software we’ll show ‘that the calculated carbon dioxide (CO2) emission rate from the dwelling with its proposed extension is no greater than for the dwelling plus a notional extension’ (built to the standards set out in Part L1b)

Need a personalized solution for your extension ?

Fully Qualified and accredited ABBE On Construction Energy Assessor. Personal and reliable service to achieve quick results.

Get in touch

Ready to assist with your SAP Calculations and Building Compliance requirements.

We offer extensive experience and knowledge in SAP and energy compliance, this allows us to deliver the most cost efficient process.

Competitive Pricing

Our pricing is extremely competitive, we look for the most cost effective solution.

Reliable Service

Personal and reliable service to achieve results in a speedy fashion.

Risk Free

No extra charge for SAP Calculation revisions if your project fails to pass first time.

Certified Experience

Fully Qualified and accredited ABBE On Construction Energy Assessor.

Get in touch today.

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